Custom Layout Guidelines and Procedures

Custom Layout Guidelines and Procedures

Here, you will find all the information you need to smoothly and efficiently carry out your desired modifications.

About Custom Layouts

Custom layouts are specially designed layouts created by our support custom specialists. These layouts are tailor-made to meet your unique business needs. Please note: due to technical aspects, the layouts themselves are not customizable by customers.

Modifications within the Service Contract

  • Free Modifications: As part of your service contract, you are entitled to a maximum of three (3) free modifications to your custom layouts per year. These modifications are included to ensure your layouts stay up to date.
  • Premium Service: If you need more modifications than the included three, we offer a premium service. Please contact our team for more information about this service.

Start-up Customers

  • Standard Layouts: For new start-up customers, the standard layouts are loaded first. During start-up and implementation, you may want to make modifications to the layouts. Discuss these modifications with your project manager first.

Modification Request Procedure

  • Send a PDF: For modifications to your custom layouts, send a PDF of how the current layout looks.
  • Document the Changes: Clearly describe the desired modifications.
  • Add Information: Include textual descriptions of the changes. Also, add screenshots with markings to visually clarify the modifications.
  • Additional Information: If necessary, provide additional information relevant to the modifications.

Completely New Layouts

When you wish to initiate a completely new custom layout, the same rules apply. Based on the documentation you provide about how you want the layout to look, we will prepare a detailed quotation for this new layout. It's important to note that this process pertains to entirely new layouts and not modifications.

Assessment and Implementation

  • Reviewed by Support Team: Our support team will review the desired modifications to check if they are technically feasible.
  • Possible Scripting: If your modifications require scripting, this can be assessed separately, and in some cases, a quote may be provided.
  • PDF for Validation: Once your modifications are processed, you will receive a PDF of the adjusted layout for validation.
  • Approval and Implementation: After your approval, the new layout will be implemented in the MultiPress software.

Testing and Feedback

  • Test Your Layout: After implementation, we recommend thoroughly testing your customized layout.
  • Feedback and Acceptance: If you do not provide feedback within five business days, we assume that the modifications have been accepted, and the new layout is considered completed.

Possible Database Backup

In some cases, it may be necessary to request a backup of your database to test layouts with real data.

There are limitations concerning the development of tailor-made layouts. Dataline reserves the right to make minor adjustments to the requested development, and the layout may therefore deviate slightly from the original request.

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